Corresponding Secretary: Eric Le 

“Hey everyone, I am from San Jose, California. I am a second-year majoring in Design. I was previously the T-Shirt Chair, and assisted in swagging out the good-looking brothers with good-looking gear. In my position, I’ve implemented a point system to keep track of attendance for brothers, and promote accountability and responsibility.


Historian: Pratiyush Karki 

“Hi I’m Prat and I’m a third-year Civil Engineering major. I was actually born in Kathmandu, Nepal but was raised in Martinez, CA in the Bay Area. Some of my hobbies include soccer, gym and just chilling with the boys. I’m also a foodie and love trying new types of foods.”


Featured Graduate Brother

Collin Sinnott 

Graduate brother Collin Sinnott made a remarkable impact on our chapter last year that exceeds what can be summarized on this newsletter. His steadfast support for our chapter, his exemplary leadership, and his genuine camaraderie have all contributed to inspiring us in our pursuit of becoming true "FIJI Gentlemen."